
Tuesday 25 October 2016

where were you born?

we have been learning about nationality and culture

  1. Who was born the furthest away from school? Adebabay who was born in Ethiopia.
  2. How many people were born in Auckland? 7
  3. What country were most STUDENTS born in? New Zealand
  4. Did you learn anything about one of the other students in the class? What was it? My Tongan friend was born in New Zealand.
  5. How many different nationalities do you have in your class? 8

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Walt: add detail to our writing.
In room 4 we have been writing post cards from animals in the zoo to animals in the wild.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

On the 19th of september we went to the auckland zoo and we did some research about some of the animals. Did you know that Baboons have ischial callosities, that means they have a built in cushion when they sit on the rocks.

We used a map to help us navigate our way around the zoo so we could scout at them with our beaming to see eyes. different animals like the safari ones were put in the same enclosure, maybe they do get along.

Exploring at the zoo was incredible because we got to see and learn about animals

comment below if you know what ischial callosities mean.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

treaty of my blog

this is a treaty for my blog to help me with my learning and it is like a success criteria. A fact about the treaty was that the British people gave the Maori chiefs a form to sign saying if they can join to be a colony. The treaty of Waitangi was translated but some Maori words were wrong so the treaty of waitangi is a little bit of a lie.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Screenshot 2016-06-28 at 2.16.05 PM.png
Which sites do you spend the most time on and WHY? I spend my time on Google docs at school when I'm doing work.

Why do you think the word ‘Google’ comes up so much when looking through your history? Because google owns your account,history and etcetera.
Do you think it would be different if you did this activity on a weekend? WHY? It would be different because you can’t play games in the middle of reading when you're supposed to be doing an activity.